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Protocol State


Additional features

The protocol state in V2 of the protocol has the following changes introduced to support new features like batched submissions and validator attestations:

  • Batched snapshot submissions from sequencer
  • Attestation on submission batches from validators


Continued from Snapshotter Lite testnet


Most of the V1 protocol state implemented for the different phases of the incentivized testnets and the lite node testnet continues in V2.

  • Slot based snapshotter identities (slot IDs)
  • Snapshot CIDs per epoch per project with the max occurrence frequency
  • Time slots allotted to slot IDs against snapshotter identities

Deployed contract

The contract address where the V2 protocol state can be found is contained within the env.example file for the type of node being deployed:


The Application Binary Interface (ABI) to interact with the smart contract can be found contained within the repositories of the corresponding node type.

State transitions

Snapshot state

enum SnapshotStatus {

The state of a snapshot CID against a project ID is PENDING when reported by the sequencer and FINALIZED when the same is attested to by the validator.

The PENDING state can be considered to be an intermediate, trusted state since it is reported by the sequencer which has no incentive to be a bad actor unless its security is compromised.

State modification

Snapshot submission in batches by sequencer

function submitSubmissionBatch(
string memory batchCid,
uint256 batchId,
uint256 epochId,
string[] memory projectIds,
string[] memory snapshotCids
) public onlySequencer

An epoch as identified by epochId can contain multiple batches of snapshot submissions from the sequencer, as referenced by the batchId.

The entire contents of this batch are made available on IPFS on the CID batchCid.

The elements of the arrays projectIds and snapshotCids are present as a 1:1 mapping that the sequencer reports as finalized CID against each of the project IDs.

Attestation against submission batches by validator

function submitBatchAttestation(
uint256 batchId,
uint256 epochId,
bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash
) public onlyValidator

Validators submit their attestations against batches of snapshot submissions in an epochId by refererring to their batchId.

The attestation is the finalizedCidsRootHash which is the hash of the merkle tree root constructed from the finalized CIDs across the projects contained in a batch.

Finalization against attestation consensus

shouldFinalizeBatchAttestation() is used as the state check whether the consensus rule around attestations submitted by the network of validators is satisfied, followed by a call to finalizeSnapshotBatch() that finalizes the snapshot CIDs against the project IDs contained in a batchId for an epochId.

function shouldFinalizeBatchAttestation(
uint256 batchId,
uint256 currentAttestationCount
) private view returns (bool)
function finalizeSnapshotBatch(uint256 batchId, uint256 epochId) private

State view


Mapping to check for existence of snapshotter identity on protocol state.


Mapping from slot ID to registered snapshotter node's signing wallet address.


Mapping from slot ID to registered time slot in a day.


Number of registered slots on the protocol state.


mapping(string projectId => mapping(uint256 slotId => mapping(uint256 epochId => bool))) public snapshotsReceivedSlot;

Whether snapshot was received against a slot ID within an epoch ID.


mapping(string procjectId => mapping(uint256 epochId => string snapshotCid)) public maxSnapshotsCidMap;

The snapshot CID reported to have reached consensus against a projectId for an epochId.


mapping(uint256 batchId => string[] projectids) public batchIdToProjects;

Project IDs contained within a Batch ID.


mapping(uint256 epochId => uint256[] batchIds) epochIdToBatchIds;

Batch IDs of submissions sent out for an epoch by the sequencer.

Validator attestations

mapping(uint256 batchId => mapping(address => bool)) public attestationsReceived;
mapping(uint256 batchId => mapping(bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash=> uint256 count)) public attestationsReceivedCount;
mapping(uint256 batchId => uint256 count) public maxAttestationsCount;
mapping(uint256 batchId => bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash) public maxAttestationFinalizedRootHash;
mapping(uint256 batchId => bool) public batchIdAttestationStatus;

Storing attestations received from validator identities and their counts of attestations against finalized root hashes of merkle trees built from CIDs.

mapping(uint256 batchId => bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash) public batchIdSequencerAttestation;
mapping(uint256 batchId => address[] validators) public batchIdDivergentValidators;

State of the initial attestation as reported by the sequencer as finalized CIDs against the project IDs and the state of them if they diverge from the consensus on attestations as reached by validators.


Snapshot submissions

  • SnapshotBatchSubmitted: Emitted upon the sequencer submitting a batch of snapshot submissions along with their claimed finalizations for an epochId
event SnapshotBatchSubmitted(
uint256 batchId,
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp
  • DelayedBatchSubmitted: Emitted when the sequencer submits a batch past the submission deadline for an epoch
event DelayedBatchSubmitted(
uint256 batchId,
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp
  • SnapshotBatchFinalized: Emitted when a majority of the validators have submitted their attestations on a batchId submitted by the sequencer
event SnapshotBatchFinalized(
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 indexed batchId,
uint256 timestamp


  • SnapshotBatchAttestationSubmitted: Emitted when a validator validatorAddr submits their attestation for a batchId batch
event SnapshotBatchAttestationSubmitted(
uint256 batchId,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp,
address indexed validatorAddr
  • DelayedAttestationSubmitted: Emitted when a validator validatorAddr submits their attestation for a batchId batch past the submission deadline
event DelayedAttestationSubmitted(
uint256 batchId,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp,
address indexed validatorAddr