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Diagnostics and cleanup

The lite node as well as the multi node setup comes with a diagnostic and cleanup script. This script will check for any previous instances of the lite node, local collector, stale images and networks.


The following output may vary depending on whether you have run snapshotter node(s) before this setup or not.

๐Ÿ” Starting PowerLoom Node Diagnostics...

๐Ÿ“ฆ Checking Docker installation...
โœ… Docker is installed and running

๐Ÿณ Checking docker-compose...
โœ… Docker Compose is available

๐Ÿ”Œ Checking default ports...
โš ๏ธ Port 8002 is in use
โœ… Next available Core API port: 8003
โš ๏ธ Port 50051 is in use
โœ… Next available Collector port: 50052

๐Ÿ” Checking existing PowerLoom containers...
Found existing PowerLoom containers:

If you want to cleanup the existing containers, follow along to the next section



This is particularly useful if you find your nodes are not running as expected and want a fresh start.

Stop and remove all powerloom containersโ€‹

If the diagnostic script finds any running containers tagged with snapshotter-lite, it will ask you if you want to stop and remove them.

Select y at the following prompt and you see some logs like the following:

Would you like to stop and remove existing PowerLoom containers? (y/n): y 

Stopping running containers... (timeout: 30s per container)
Attempting to stop container snapshotter-lite-v2-xxx1-mainnet-UNISWAPV2-ETH...
Attempting to stop container snapshotter-lite-local-collector-xxx1-mainnet-UNISWAPV2-ETH...

Removing containers...
Removing container snapshotter-lite-v2-xxx1-mainnet-UNISWAPV2-ETH...
Removing container snapshotter-lite-local-collector-xxx1-mainnet-UNISWAPV2-ETH...

Removing container snapshotter-lite-v2-xxx2-mainnet-UNISWAPV2-ETH...

Remove all Docker subnets assigned to the snapshotter-lite containersโ€‹

Enter y at the following prompt and you see some logs like the following:

Would you like to remove existing PowerLoom networks? (y/n): y

Removing networks...
โœ… Networks removed

Cleanup stale images and networks and cacheโ€‹


This is a cleanup step that removes all stale images, networks and cache from Docker. Proceed only if all other attempts at running the node have failed after following our guides.

Enter y at the following prompt and you see some logs like the following. Press y again at the end to confirm with Docker.

Would you like to remove unused Docker resources (only unused images, networks, and cache)? (y/n): y 

Removing unused Docker resources...

Running docker network prune...

Running docker system prune...
WARNING! This will remove:
- all stopped containers
- all networks not used by at least one container
- all images without at least one container associated to them
- all build cache

Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y

Deleted Images:
deleted: sha256:33d723744d4cb306c9be663247464f497698682fb0d577290831114b825bc84a

Total reclaimed space: 1.614GB
โœ… Cleanup complete

โœ… Diagnostic check complete