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Introduction to Devnet


Our Devnet is live!

🚀 Get access to the Devnet and build exciting data applications, you can mint a no-cost NFT slot on the Sepolia network 🌟. Devnet mint page:

💡 To mint the NFT slot, ETH on the Sepolia network is required. If your balance is insufficient, you can obtain Sepolia ETH through the following link:

Devnet provides developers with a sandbox environment to build and test data-driven applications. Developers can create powerful tools such as dashboards, arbitrage bots, and wallet trackers. The Devnet allows for experimentation and iteration without the risks associated with using real assets on a live network.

Start building data application with Powerloom by setting up your own Snapshotter node on our devnet. Our Devnet environment is designed to facilitate developers in:

Chains Supported

We currently support the following chains (Mainnet and Testnet). If you want to request support for any other chains, please open an issue here.


Next Steps

To begin building your applications, head over to the getting started section.