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Devnet Program is live!

Powerloom Devnet is a development environment that allows developers to build and test data rich applications.

You can mint our Devnet slot from our Mint page. Once minted, you can navigate to the getting started section to kickstart your devnet journey.

What Can You Build with Devnet?

Here are a few exciting examples on what can be built using powerloom:

  1. Data Dashboards: Create interactive visualizations and dashboards that provide insights into blockchain metrics, user behavior, and more. Empower users with data-driven decision making.

  2. Wallet Tracking Applications: Build tools that allow users to easily track and manage their portfolios. Provide features like transaction alerts, balance updates.

  3. Arbitrage Bots: Develop intelligent bots that can identify and capitalize on arbitrage opportunities across different exchanges and trading pairs.

Get Started with Devnet

Ready to embark on your Devnet journey? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit our Mint page to mint your Devnet slot.
  2. Once minted, head over to the Getting Started guide for a step-by-step walkthrough on setting up your development environment.
  3. Join our developer community to connect with fellow builders, ask questions, and share your projects.

We can't wait to see the amazing applications you'll build with Powerloom Devnet. Happy coding!