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Health Tracking

All snapshotter implementations include internal APIs that offer a detailed view of the state of processing for projects as configured by data sources, per epoch.

You can tunnel into port 8002 of an instance running the snapshotter and try out the internal APIs, among others, by visiting the FastAPI-generated SwaggerUI.

GET /internal/snapshotter/epochProcessingStatus

As detailed in the section on epoch processing state transitions, this internal API endpoint provides detailed insights into each epoch's processing status as it passes through the snapshot builders and is sent out for consensus.

NOTE: The endpoint, though paginated and cached, serves a raw dump of insights into an epoch's state transitions, and the payloads are significantly large enough for requests to timeout or clog the internal API's limited resources. Hence, it is advisable to query somewhere between 1 to 5 epochs. The same can be specified as the size query parameter.

Sample request

curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8002/internal/snapshotter/epochProcessingStatus?page=1&size=3' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Sample response

"items": [
"epochId": 43523,
"transitionStatus": {
"status": "success",
"error": null,
"extra": null,
"timestamp": 1692530595
"pairContract_pair_total_reserves": {
"status": "success",
"error": null,
"extra": null,
"timestamp": 1692530595
"aggregate_24h_stats_lite:35ee1886fa4665255a0d0486c6079c4719c82f0f62ef9e96a98f26fde2e8a106:UNISWAPV2": {
"status": "success",
"error": null,
"extra": null,
"timestamp": 1692530596



"total": 3,
"page": 1,
"size": 3,
"pages": 1

GET /internal/snapshotter/status

Returns the overall status of all the projects

Sample request

curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8002/internal/snapshotter/status' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Sample response

"totalSuccessfulSubmissions": 10,
"totalMissedSubmissions": 5,
"totalIncorrectSubmissions": 1,
"projectId": "projectid"
"successfulSubmissions": 3,
"missedSubmissions": 2,
"incorrectSubmissions": 1

GET /internal/snapshotter/status/{project_id}

Returns project specific detailed status report with snapshot data

Sample request

curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8002/internal/snapshotter/status/project1122' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Sample response

"missedSubmissions": [
"epochId": 10,
"finalizedSnapshotCid": "cid",
"reason": "error/exception/trace"
"incorrectSubmissions": [
"epochId": 12,
"submittedSnapshotCid": "snapshotcid",
"submittedSnapshot": {},
"finalizedSnapshotCid": "finalizedsnapshotcid",
"finalizedSnapshot": {},
"reason": "reason for incorrect submission"