Protocol State: V2
Overview: Smart Contract Architecture
The smart contracts that maintain the state of the protocol V2 interact are arranged as depicted in the diagram that follows.
This architecture is an upgrade from the protocol state of V1 in the following aspects:
Unified view and interface for all peers
The implementation of the protocol state in V2 introduces a unified view and interface for all peers on the network, with the ability to extend functionality with new features as the protocol evolves.
All the interactions with underlying data markets, their state changes and event emissions are accessible through the implementation of the protocol state core.
Protocol State Core
- The core of the protocol state is now maintained in a separate contract, managed by an ERC1967Proxy upgradeable proxy
- The upgradable proxy pattern allows for the core state contract to be upgraded without the need to redeploy the proxy and all the dependent contracts
- The upgradable proxy pattern also allows for the core state contract to be upgraded in a controlled manner, with the ability to maintain previous versions of the contract in case a regression is introduced in the new version
Data markets
Data market contracts are now separated from the protocol state core. Their creation is initiated from the protocol state core contract and intermediated by a data market factory contract.
The following features of the protocol state are now maintained in the data market contract since they are specific to their operations and functions:
- Epochs
- Epoch release and epoch size
- Epochs in a "day"
- Allowed sequencer identities
- Finalized snapshot CIDs against project IDs
- Submission counts against snapshotter slots
- Submission batches and their attestation consensus by validators
Identity management
Snapshotters are assigned slots on the protocol, and their identities are maintained on a separate SnapshotterState
contract. The interface to interact with this contract is maintained in the protocol state core contract as well as the data market contracts.
* @title ISnapshotterState
* @dev Interface for the SnapshotterState contract
interface ISnapshotterState {
* @dev Returns the snapshotter address for a given slot
* @param slotId The ID of the slot
* @return address of the snapshotter
function slotSnapshotterMapping(uint256 slotId) external view returns (address);
* @dev Returns the total number of slots
* @return uint256 representing the slot counter
function slotCounter() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Checks if an address is a registered snapshotter
* @param snapshotter Address to check
* @return bool indicating if the address is a snapshotter
function allSnapshotters(address snapshotter) external view returns (bool);
Comparisons with V1
New features
In an upgrade to V1, the protocol state in V2 introduces the following:
- Batched snapshot submissions from sequencer
- Attestation on submission batches from validators
The upgraded architecture of the protocol state allows for support of feature extensions in existing categories of peers like snapshotters and sequencers, along with introducing new categories of peers like validators, watchers among others.
Removed features
- Method to directly accept submissions from allowed snapshotters
- Snapshot submissions as content identifiers(CIDs) per epoch
- Occurrence count of their submissions
- Mapping between allowed snapshotter identities and the CIDs they submitted
- Time slot allotted to snapshotter identities:
- Indication of whether a snapshot was received against a slot ID within an epoch ID:
Inherited, continued features
Most of the V1 protocol state implemented for the different phases of the incentivized testnets and the lite node testnet continues in V2.
- Slot based snapshotter identities (slot IDs)
- Snapshot CIDs per epoch per project with the max occurrence frequency
- Time slots allotted to slot IDs against snapshotter identities
Deployed contracts
The contract address where the V2 protocol state can be found is contained within the env.example
file for the type of node being deployed. For example:
Pre-mainnet deployment
Powerloom anchor chain: Prost 1M
Protocol State Upgradeable Proxy:
Protocol State Implementation:
Uniswap V2 Data market:
State transitions
Snapshot state
enum SnapshotStatus {
The state of a snapshot CID against a project ID is PENDING
when reported by the sequencer and FINALIZED
when the same is attested to by the validator.
state can be considered to be an intermediate, trusted state since it is reported by the sequencer which has no incentive to be a bad actor unless its security is compromised.
State modification: Data market contracts
Update 'day' size
function updateDaySize(uint256 _daySize) public onlyOwnerOrigin {
DAY_SIZE = _daySize;
A 'day' for a data market is defined by the DAY_SIZE
in seconds. The epochsInADay
is the number of epochs that fit into a day.
Rewards distribution
Toggle rewards distribution
function toggleRewards() public onlyOwnerOrigin {
rewardsEnabled = !rewardsEnabled;
Daily snapshot quota
This quota is the number of snapshots that have to be submitted by a snapshotter in a day to be eligible for rewards.
function updateDailySnapshotQuota(
uint256 _dailySnapshotQuota
) public onlyOwnerOrigin {
dailySnapshotQuota = _dailySnapshotQuota;
Commit submission counts
The sequencer commits the submission counts for a day against the slot IDs of the snapshotters. It is planned to be decentralized in the future by combining the election of sequencers and reports on submitted counts peers called 'watchers'.
function updateRewards(
uint256[] memory slotIds,
uint256[] memory submissionsList,
uint256 day
) public onlySequencer returns (bool) {
Refer: day size for a data market
Epoch release
function releaseEpoch(
uint256 begin,
uint256 end
) public onlyEpochManager isActive returns (bool, bool) {
Refer: Epoch manager
Skip epochs
function forceSkipEpoch(
uint256 begin,
uint256 end
) public onlyOwnerOrigin isActive {
This is a fallback mechanism to skip epochs in case the epoch release service fails.
Snapshot submission in batches by sequencer
function submitSubmissionBatch(
string memory batchCid,
uint256 epochId,
string[] memory projectIds,
string[] memory snapshotCids,
bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash
) public onlySequencer
An epoch as identified by epochId
can contain multiple batches of snapshot submissions from the sequencer, as referenced by the batchCid
The entire contents of this batch are made available on IPFS on the CID batchCid
The elements of the arrays projectIds
and snapshotCids
are present as a 1:1 mapping that the sequencer reports as finalized CID against each of the project IDs.
- The
arrays are expected to be of the same length. - In the next upgrade, the
arrays will be removed. ThefinalizedCidsRootHash
, that is the root hash of the merkle tree built from the CIDs of the projects, holds appropriate information to be used in the consensus rule for attestation as well as verification of the batch CID uploaded to IPFS and anchored to the protocol state by this function call.
Indicating end of batch submissions for an epoch
function endBatchSubmissions(uint256 epochId) external onlySequencer {
Attestation against submission batches by validator
function submitBatchAttestation(
string memory batchCid,
uint256 epochId,
bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash
) public onlyValidator
Validators submit their attestations against batches of snapshot submissions in an epochId
by refererring to their batchCid
The attestation is the finalizedCidsRootHash
which is the hash of the merkle tree root constructed from the finalized CIDs across the projects contained in a batch.
Finalization against attestation consensus
is used as the state check whether the consensus rule around attestations submitted by the network of validators is satisfied, followed by a call to finalizeSnapshotBatch()
that finalizes the snapshot CIDs against the project IDs contained in a batchCid
for an epochId
function shouldFinalizeBatchAttestation(
string memory batchCid,
uint256 currentAttestationCount
) private view returns (bool) {
function finalizeSnapshotBatch(string memory batchCid, uint256 epochId) private
Triggering attestation consensus externally
function forceCompleteConsensusAttestations(
PowerloomDataMarket dataMarket,
string memory batchCid,
uint256 epochId
) public {
State view: Data market contracts
Epoch size
uint8 public EPOCH_SIZE; // Number of Blocks in each Epoch
Refer: Epoch
Data source chain properties
These properties are specific to the chain on which the actual data sources i.e. smart contracts and applications are running.
uint256 public SOURCE_CHAIN_ID;
uint256 public SOURCE_CHAIN_BLOCK_TIME; // Block time in seconds * 1e4 (to allow decimals)
Consensus properties
uint256 public batchSubmissionWindow // Number of blocks to wait before finalizing batch
uint256 public attestationSubmissionWindow // Number of blocks to wait for attestation acceptance
uint256 public minAttestationsForConsensus // Minimum number of attestations for consensus
Status and CIDs of snapshots
- The snapshot CID reported to have reached consensus against a
for anepochId
. TheConsensusStatus
wraps theSnapshotStatus
mapping(string projectId => mapping(
uint256 epochId => ConsensusStatus
)) public snapshotStatus;
function maxSnapshotsCid(
string memory projectId,
uint256 epochId
) public view returns (string memory) {
- Snapshot CID finalized for a project ID against an epoch ID, as reported by the sequencer.
mapping(string projectId => uint256 epochId) public lastSequencerFinalizedSnapshot;
- Snapshot CID finalized against an epoch ID for each project ID, once validators attest to the finalization from sequencer as shown above.
mapping(string projectId => uint256 epochId) public lastFinalizedSnapshot;
- The very first epoch ID against which a finalization was achieved for a project ID.
mapping(string projectId => uint256 epochId) public projectFirstEpochId;
mapping(string batchCid => string[] projectids) public batchCidToProjects;
Project IDs contained within a Batch CID.
mapping(uint256 epochId => string[] batchCids) public epochIdToBatchCids;
Batch CIDs of submissions sent out for an epoch by the sequencer.
Validator attestations
mapping(string batchCid => mapping(address => bool)) public attestationsReceived;
mapping(string batchCid => mapping(bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash=> uint256 count)) public attestationsReceivedCount;
mapping(string batchCid => uint256 count) public maxAttestationsCount;
mapping(string batchCid => bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash) public maxAttestationFinalizedRootHash;
mapping(string batchCid => bool) public batchCidAttestationStatus;
Storing attestations received from validator identities and their counts of attestations against finalized root hashes of merkle trees built from CIDs.
mapping(string batchCid => bytes32 finalizedCidsRootHash) public batchCidSequencerAttestation;
mapping(string batchCid => address[] validators) public batchCidDivergentValidators;
State of the initial attestation as reported by the sequencer as finalized CIDs against the project IDs and the state of them if they diverge from the consensus on attestations as reached by validators.
State view: Snapshotter identity state contract
Mapping to check for existence of snapshotter identity on protocol state.
Mapping from slot ID to registered snapshotter node's signing wallet address.
Number of registered slots on the protocol state.
Namespaced event emissions
Event emissions specific to data market operations are emitted from the data market contracts as well as the protocol state core contract, which has an additional topic that identifies the data market against which the operation is being performed.
This allows for state and event observers on the protocol to filter events by the data market contract of interest.
For example, the SnapshotBatchSubmitted
event has the following signatures when emitted from:
protocol state core contract
event SnapshotBatchSubmitted(
address indexed dataMarketAddress,
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp
data market contract
event SnapshotBatchSubmitted(
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp
Epoch related events
: Emitted when a snapshotter reaches their daily quota of snapshot submission count.
event DailyTaskCompletedEvent(
address indexed dataMarketAddress,
address snapshotterAddress,
uint256 slotId,
uint256 dayId,
uint256 timestamp
Read more: Daily snapshot quota
: Emitted when a new day starts.
event DayStartedEvent(
address indexed dataMarketAddress,
uint256 dayId,
uint256 timestamp
Read more: Day size for a data market
: Emitted when an epoch is released.
event EpochReleased(
address indexed dataMarketAddress,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 begin,
uint256 end,
uint256 timestamp
Read more: Epoch release
Snapshot submissions
- SnapshotBatchSubmitted: Emitted upon the sequencer submitting a batch of snapshot submissions along with their claimed finalizations for an
event SnapshotBatchSubmitted(
address indexed dataMarketAddress,
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp
- DelayedBatchSubmitted: Emitted when the sequencer submits a batch past the submission deadline for an epoch
event DelayedBatchSubmitted(
address indexed dataMarketAddress,
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp
- SnapshotBatchFinalized: Emitted when a majority of the validators have submitted their attestations on a
submitted by the sequencer.
event SnapshotBatchFinalized(
uint256 indexed epochId,
string batchCid,
uint256 timestamp
- SnapshotBatchAttestationSubmitted: Emitted when a validator
submits their attestation for abatchCid
event SnapshotBatchAttestationSubmitted(
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp,
address indexed validatorAddr
- DelayedAttestationSubmitted: Emitted when a validator
submits their attestation for abatchCid
batch past the submission deadline
event DelayedAttestationSubmitted(
string batchCid,
uint256 indexed epochId,
uint256 timestamp,
address indexed validatorAddr