Protocol State: V1
State Overview
Every data market has a final state that includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Epoch size
- Epochs released in the past
- Present epoch
- Allowed snapshotter identities
- To be implemented:
- Allowed validator identities
- Snapshot submission window
- Snapshot submissions from allowed snapshotters
- Project IDs on which submissions are accepted
- Snapshot submissions as content identifiers(CIDs) per epoch
- Occurrence count of their submissions
- Mapping between allowed snapshotter identities and the CIDs they submitted
Powerloom Protocol V2 contains certain modifications on top of the V1 Protocol State as described in here. Learn More
Implementation of the Protocol State
Presently, the protocol state is implemented as a smart contract on an EVM-compatible chain that is affectionately referred to internally as the Prost Chain.
Chain and Contract Address
Depending on the node type, the network RPC and the deployed contract address can be found in the env.example
file in either the deploy
(for Full Nodes) and snapshotter
repositories (for Lite Nodes).
The Application Binary Interface (ABI) to interact with the smart contract can be found within the snapshotter repository.
State Modification Functions
function updateProjects(string[] calldata _projects, bool[] calldata _status) external onlyOwnerOrValidator
Used by signalers and other actors in the dynamic data market ecosystem.
function updateSnapshotters(address[] calldata _snapshotters, bool[] calldata _status) external onlyOwner
Presently used to allow authorized snapshotters on our experimental testnets. To be deprecated soon with decentralized data markets.
function updateValidators(address[] calldata _validators, bool[] calldata _status) external onlyOwner
function forceSkipEpoch(uint256 begin, uint256 end) public onlyOwner
Optional usage for an additional trusted service to ensure consensus is reached in case of unstable peers or actors in a data market.
function releaseEpoch(uint256 begin, uint256 end) public onlyOwnerOrValidator
Used by the epoch generator service.
function submitSnapshot(string memory snapshotCid, uint256 epochId, string memory projectId, Request calldata request, bytes calldata signature) public
Used to submit snapshots by the allowed snapshotter identities.
State View Functions
uint8 public EPOCH_SIZE; // Number of Blocks in each Epoch
uint256 public SOURCE_CHAIN_ID;
uint256 public SOURCE_CHAIN_BLOCK_TIME; // Block time in seconds * 1e4 (to allow decimals)
uint256 public DeploymentBlockNumber;
uint256 public snapshotSubmissionWindow = 1; // Number of blocks to wait before finalizing epoch
uint256 public minSubmissionsForConsensus = 2; // Minimium number of snapshots for consensus
Epoch Information
mapping(uint256 => EpochInfo) public epochInfo;
struct EpochInfo {
uint256 timestamp;
uint256 blocknumber;
uint256 epochEnd;
Snapshot submission information
mapping(string => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public maxSnapshotsCount;
mapping(string => mapping(uint256 => string)) public maxSnapshotsCid;
mapping(string => mapping(uint256 => ConsensusStatus)) public snapshotStatus;
Allowed projects and snapshotters
mapping(string => bool) public projects;
mapping(address => bool) public snapshotters;
event SnapshottersUpdated(address snapshotterAddress, bool allowed);
event ProjectsUpdated(string projectId, bool allowed, uint256 enableEpochId);
event ValidatorsUpdated(address validatorAddress, bool allowed);
// snapshotters listen to this event, generate snapshots and submit to contract
event EpochReleased(uint256 indexed epochId, uint256 begin, uint256 end, uint256 timestamp);
event SnapshotSubmitted(address indexed snapshotterAddr, string snapshotCid, uint256 indexed epochId, string projectId, uint256 timestamp);
event DelayedSnapshotSubmitted(address indexed snapshotterAddr, string snapshotCid, uint256 indexed epochId, string projectId, uint256 timestamp);
event SnapshotFinalized(uint256 indexed epochId, uint256 epochEnd, string projectId, string snapshotCid, uint256 timestamp);